We’re excited to introduce our brand-new program: Skillshares! Think of it as a mini talent show, but without the pressure of a spotlight and with way more useful stuff. Whether you’re a DIY terrarium enthusiast, a home chef with a killer recipe, a car maintenance whiz, or you’ve got a knack for turning a mediocre resume into a masterpiece—this is your chance to share your thing with the community.
Here’s how it works: You pick your skill, plan a little workshop, and invite people to join in. Maybe you’ll show folks how to create a mini indoor jungle, whip up the perfect lasagna, or change a tire like a pro. Whatever it is, we want to see it! Attendees will purchase a ticket from BConnected, and we’ll split it with you. That way, you can cover any costs for materials and make a buck, too.
And don’t worry—this isn’t about being perfect. We’re keeping it casual and fun because the point is to get together and share skills with the rest of the community. So whether you’re leading the charge or just coming to pick up a new skill, Skillshares are about having a good time and learning something new.
If you’re interested, email Three.
With excitement and a terrarium full of enthusiasm,
Three Brodsky
Founder, Bconnected Colorado