What Does the B Stand for Again?!

What does it mean to be bisexual?

You might have noticed that the words “Bisexual” and “Queer” pop up together a lot around here. That’s not just because we love a good word duo, but because they represent the heart and soul of Bconnected. We’re like the ultimate Venn diagram where everyone under the rainbow gets to join the party. So, let me break that down a bit more because I often get asked about labels.

Bisexuality: It’s Not Just a Phase, It’s a Buffet!

There’s the capital B in LGBTQIA+. Robyn Ochs, who is basically the Yoda of bisexuality (but with better hair), defines bisexuality as the potential to be attracted to more than one gender. Notice the word “potential” here—it’s key! It’s like having a Netflix subscription with access to all genres; you don’t have to binge-watch everything at once, but the possibility is always there.

Robyn says, “I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted—romantically and/or sexually—to people of more than one gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.” It’s like saying, “I might like both pizza and sushi, but not necessarily in the same meal and definitely not in equal portions.”

And that’s okay! Bisexuality isn’t about splitting your heart into perfectly measured slices. It’s about recognizing that attraction can be a beautifully chaotic, multi-directional thing. It’s not a straight line (pun intended); it’s a journey full of twists, turns, and the occasional loop-de-loop.

Queer: The Rainbow Scooper

The word “Queer” may still feel a little edgy for some of the older generation. But it’s ok, I promise. We took the word back, and it’s ours now. This term is like the ultimate rainbow scooper—it’s here to catch everyone who doesn’t fit into a neat little box. If you’re non-straight, non-gender-conforming, or just like to color outside the lines, Queer is your new best friend. It’s the umbrella term for those who are, well, a bit too fabulous to be confined by traditional labels.

At Bconnected, we don’t just acknowledge the overlap between the Bs, Ts, and Qs—we celebrate it. There’s a lot of intersectionality in our community, and that’s what makes it so rich and diverse. Whether you’re figuring things out, changing labels like you change hairstyles, or you’ve got it all sorted (lucky you!), you’re welcome here.

Identity: A Path We Keep Walking

Let’s be real—identity isn’t a straight (again, pun totally intended) line. It’s more like a road trip where the GPS keeps rerouting, and every pit stop offers a new flavor of self-discovery. And that’s exactly how it should be.

Robyn Ochs nails it when she says, “Identity is a journey. We travel through life becoming and discovering ourselves. There’s no shame in living with uncertainty or in changing your label(s) as new information comes in.”

So whether you’re Team Bisexual, Team Queer, or just here for the snacks and good company, Bconnected is all about creating a space where you can explore, express, and evolve. Remember, labels are tools to start conversations, not boxes to trap yourself in.

So go ahead, continue on your path with us, and know that at Bconnected, we’ve got your back—no matter where you land on the spectrum.

Cheers, Three

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