I’m My Lesbian Lover’s Exception

I am so lucky to be my lesbian lover’s exception. 

She treats my cock as a new discovery.

It is totally for her

Whatever and whenever she wants to enjoy the toy

Of course, sometimes I’m impatient

But I cannot break the magic of trust we’ve developed.

She knows of the tragedies I’ve felt

Being too sensitive to hurt and

My sister’s rapes

The horrors of my friend’s abortions

Being scared of hurting a woman

Of my wife’s tolerance of my needs

And my depression in the discovery of sex without joy

I’ve had to start over in my late 50’s

She is patient with me

And let’s me let her discover

She tells me what she needs

Rather than making me guess

She is much stronger than

The passive women who were not the right match for

This sensitive man

I need her and she celebrates my passivity

She teaches me when she is ready

She teaches me to be slow, to be fast

When it is right to be the jaguar 

Or the gentle air blowing or scraping her body

I am learning to love

Sometimes unlearning to love

I am so blessed to be with the special woman

Who knows so much about herself

That she is comfortable enough to help me discover myself

And guide me to her

By playing with me for her own needs.

She so totally satisfies me in my needs

Thank you spirits of love.

— Rick Winter

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